Three Years Ago Today

On October 25, 2009, Sam asked me to be his girlfriend and my whole life changed.

Here’s us in one of our first pictures together.  We were at a birthday party, and we didn’t know each other very well.  In fact, we barely knew each other’s names.  We weren’t even Facebook friends yet (gasp).  All I knew was that he was very funny and good at Apples to Apples.

December 6, 2008

The next semester at school, our groups of friends merged and we started hanging out.  A lot.  We quickly became best friends, and I was sad to say goodbye to him for the summer when school let out in May.  He spent the summer in Austin working at a grocery store and lifeguarding, and I spent my summer in Midland working at a bookstore and a grocery store.  Even though we were both busy with two jobs, we still managed to find time to play online Scrabble with each other constantly (I lost about 90% of the games… Sam is so good at Scrabble).

When August rolled around, I was excited to move back to Abilene for a new semester at school.  The first day everyone returned, our friends all met up to say “hi.”  Sam was still cooped up in his dorm room unpacking, and I was so excited to see him that I called him and demanded that he drop everything and come see me– uh, I mean us.  Nope, scratch that, I wanted him to see me.  That’s where the confusing feelings started sprouting.

October 14, 2009

We started spending even more time together than before.  Turns out that Sam had a huge crush on me, and was finding every excuse to hang out.  Of course, I was completely naive and clueless.  Give me a break!  I’d never had a boyfriend before.  What, boys don’t just randomly agree to bake a cake with you just for fun without meaning something by it?  Oh.

Well, Sam had never been in a relationship either, but he certainly knew how to win me over.  Poor guy.  Everyone feel bad for Sam.  There he was, offering me his jacket when I was cold, bringing me candy at work, buying me soup and medicine when I was sick, carrying my backpack when he walked me to classes… And there I was, off in La-La Land, blissfully clueless that this super sweet guy was in love with me.  Oops.

October 17, 2009

Call me superficial, but one night Sam decided to put on a suit, shave, and comb his hair, and I could hardly keep my eyes off him.  Jeez.  What a hottie.  He was almost there… The next weekend was Fall Break at school, so I joined him and our friend Jeremy on a trip to Austin, where Sam is from.  We had such a fun weekend!  We enjoyed great food and did a lot of exploring.  I even talked Sam into trying on these pants.  Gah!  How could I not have known that he liked me?  He put on these pants to make me happy!

October 23, 2009

Basically, I spent the whole weekend trying to sort out a tangled mess of complicated emotions.  On the car ride home, I spent the entire three hours playing out imaginary scenarios in my head.  I couldn’t go to sleep that night without talking to Sam about it, and at around 10 p.m. we worked everything out and we’ve been together ever since.  So, today I’m celebrating me getting a clue and snatching up the greatest guy on the planet.  :)

November 11, 2009

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